Here are the list of
sites that discuss different CPUs, Processors / Microprocessors, Motherboards, Chips in detail. Their pin diagram, datasheet, architecture, internal circuits, functionality, technical details, characteristics etc. : rare microprocessors, co-processors and microcontrollers; microprocessor architectures, socket and core names pages; CPU/MCU families, pinouts pages, support chips, benchmarks, odd looking chips; Online tool - Identify chip by part number; BSP · CPU · FPU · MCU · SoC · Other ICs and lots of other information. : virtual CPU museum, the Gecko's CPU Library; Collection is grouped by manufacturer and then by family; large CPU and FPU collection; documentation, ressources, packages, sockets sections; till now 3113 images in 784 albums. : vintage chips that is difficult to find; some of the most discussed old chips : Intel 4004, MOS 6502, Motorola 6800, RCA 1802, Rockwell PPS-4, NEC uPD751, National Semiconductor IMP-00A.
Microprocessor Report has been the leading technical publication for the microprocessor industry since it was first introduced by Michael Slater in 1987. Microprocessor Report is exclusively subscriber-supported and dedicated to providing unbiased, in-depth, and critical analysis of new high-performance microprocessor developments. The newsletter covers the microprocessor implications of emerging platforms, emerging personal computer technologies, new memory and system logic chips, mobile computing devices, embedded processors, DSP technology, and intellectual property issues. : Microprocessor Museum of CPU History for Intel CPUs, AMD Processor History, Cyrix Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and more. Till date : Total CPU's: 2228, Total manufacturers represented: 104, Total EPROM's:560
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