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Friday, August 19, 2011

Love Dogs Love Animals Love Nature !!

Hi All !!
I hope you are in great health and enjoying a prosperous time.
Hmm... It's tough to get a good job profile these days.... supply overcome demand... As, I am still enjoying my unemployment days... I was browsing through my collection of videos, that were shot exclusively by me during my MBA days. I developed a keen interest in photography and video shooting in course of my just completed MBA. It was a nice relaxing activity against tough MBA schedule. I would like to share an incident and a video (which I consider the best video ever shot by me).
When I was in 2nd semester of MBA, me and my friends used to take a evening walk around our campus. A female dog used to walk along us, right from our Hostel gate to the outskirts of Hostel area. In took no time that we developed an affection for her and starting feeding her with bread, milk etc frequently. By the time, I advanced to 3rd semester, she gave birth to 4 little cute puppies, who in no time became center of attraction of my hostel mates. Me and my friends, specially Dr. Vishav Prakash(having a pet dog in his home), became a bit emotionally attached to those little nature's gifts. Every evening we use to play with them, feed them, do stupid but enjoyable acts etc.
One afternoon, when we were back from our college after attending our MBA classes, we saw one of the puppies was wounded badly around his neck (perhaps injured by some male dog), it was a lethal injury and an urgent action was needed to save his life. My friend Dr. Vishav Prakash being a doctor by profession and owner of a pet dog, wasted no time and brought stuff required for his immediate medication.
Below you can find the video (youtube link) shot by me, in which Dr. Vishav Prakash, his little brother and my another friend Maniram Tanwar dressing that little wounded puppy.

Youtube - Love Animals Love Nature !!

When we were leaving our MBA hostel, after the completion of MBA program, seeing that little puppy in good health and playing with his brothers was an extraordinary feeling and a sense of achievement that indeed is a value addition to my MBA. I wish him all the good health and enjoyable life.
My main motive behind sharing this incident is to spread the message that not only humans but also the animals are children of Nature. Every single soul has his own existence and importance in this world, we need to understand that our superior ability is the gift by nature so that we can help the poorer souls/animals to make this world a Global Home to every single soul/character.
Cheers !!
Original Article :


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