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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Fake n Lie World all around...
Breaking News.. "US Congress Shocked to find Osama was in Pakistan", "Pakistan dares US", "China Says It's a friend of India", "HM P.Chidambaram asks for 26/11 terrorists", "D Ibrahim not in Pakistan", "Pervez Musharaff shocked to find that Osama was in Pakistan", "PM Manmohan Singh Says.. we will control corruption and inflation"... hahaha... OMG !! comedy all around.. fooling people.. Fake n Lier world all around...
Today's Mantra of Living King Size...
Terrorists like Afzal, Kasab etc. are still alive... millions of tax payers money are being wasted on them and our intelligent govt. asking for more from Pakistan to be handed over... lolzzzZZ... so that more money can be wasted... Scams, Billions of money parked outside India... Politicians, Bureaucrats, Corporates all were sleeping or are part of it... Today's mantra "Make fool of others and live King Size"... !!
Priority or Option
Never allow someone to be your priority, for whom you are just an option... ;p ;p
Poems n Quotes
My Love: Simple and True...
Charming cheeks with magical smile... deep allure in winery eyes... whenever I see, I get lost... my heart goes 'boom' 'boom'... with every touch of yours... you're like my childhood, sweetest angel... untold fairly tale with a different angle... life seems so musical, when you are around... you are my perfect, rhyming sound... falling flakes, out of the blue... you are my cuckoo clock... simple and true...;0) ;0)
Poems n Quotes
Tricky Average: Mean, Median & Mode
Hoping you all are in great health and enjoying prosperous time.
Its been long since I last post my Intel. Hey !! Here I come, this time throwing some light on a tricky statistical/mathematical tool called "Average". Going by definition "An Average is a measure of a central tendency or in other words, it's a value that defines the whole set of values to which it belongs."
Now many of us may believe that "Average" and "Mean" is exactly same... hmm... but that is only 1/3 of the truth. Yes, you heard me right, any one of the terrific trio in stats "Mean", "Median" or "Mode" can be regarded as an "Average" individually.
Mean, we know, arithmetic mean i.e sum of values divided by total no. of values. Median is the central value that divides a set of values into 2 halves i.e upper 50% and lower 50% while Mode is the value that appears most in a set of values.
Example : for values 1,2,2,3,4,5,6
Mean = 3.28, Median = 3, Mode = 2
Now, there is a trick/catch, which is being used to fool/dupe customers, don't believe me.... See by yourself...
Let suppose, I have to buy a laptop and I visit some electronic store. Salesman gives me following 3 options with respective ratings* :-
Brand 1 - Average Rating 4 out of 5
Brand 2 - Average Rating 3 out of 5
Brand 3 - Average Rating 5 out of 5
*ratings based on last 10 respective customers reviews
Now, on first look I may go for Brand 3, as it has the best rating among all three, But Hey !! I am not a guy who can be easily fooled or duped. The term "Average" doesn't give me ample information which I would like to have. Rather, I would be interested in knowing whether "Average" here refers to Mean or Median or Mode.
Now, have a look at detailed rating data given by last 10 respective customers below :-
Brand 1 - 4,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,4,5
Brand 2 - 1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4
Brand 3 - 1,2,2,1,3,4,5,5,5,3
It is clear from above data that,
Brand 1 used "Mean" as an Average
Brand 2 used "Median" as an Average
Brand 3 used "Mode" as an Average
In Brand 2 & Brand 3 there is large variations among their respective customer ratings while Brand 1 seems to have comparatively stable, consistent and high ratings. So, my final decision will definitely be to buy Brand 1.
Hope it was interesting and worth enough to read.... always love to have your precious comments/opinions.... Cheers !!
Hoping you all are in great health and enjoying prosperous time.
Its been long since I last post my Intel. Hey !! Here I come, this time throwing some light on a tricky statistical/mathematical tool called "Average". Going by definition "An Average is a measure of a central tendency or in other words, it's a value that defines the whole set of values to which it belongs."
Now many of us may believe that "Average" and "Mean" is exactly same... hmm... but that is only 1/3 of the truth. Yes, you heard me right, any one of the terrific trio in stats "Mean", "Median" or "Mode" can be regarded as an "Average" individually.
Mean, we know, arithmetic mean i.e sum of values divided by total no. of values. Median is the central value that divides a set of values into 2 halves i.e upper 50% and lower 50% while Mode is the value that appears most in a set of values.
Example : for values 1,2,2,3,4,5,6
Mean = 3.28, Median = 3, Mode = 2
Now, there is a trick/catch, which is being used to fool/dupe customers, don't believe me.... See by yourself...
Let suppose, I have to buy a laptop and I visit some electronic store. Salesman gives me following 3 options with respective ratings* :-
Brand 1 - Average Rating 4 out of 5
Brand 2 - Average Rating 3 out of 5
Brand 3 - Average Rating 5 out of 5
*ratings based on last 10 respective customers reviews
Now, on first look I may go for Brand 3, as it has the best rating among all three, But Hey !! I am not a guy who can be easily fooled or duped. The term "Average" doesn't give me ample information which I would like to have. Rather, I would be interested in knowing whether "Average" here refers to Mean or Median or Mode.
Now, have a look at detailed rating data given by last 10 respective customers below :-
Brand 1 - 4,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,4,5
Brand 2 - 1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4
Brand 3 - 1,2,2,1,3,4,5,5,5,3
It is clear from above data that,
Brand 1 used "Mean" as an Average
Brand 2 used "Median" as an Average
Brand 3 used "Mode" as an Average
In Brand 2 & Brand 3 there is large variations among their respective customer ratings while Brand 1 seems to have comparatively stable, consistent and high ratings. So, my final decision will definitely be to buy Brand 1.
Hope it was interesting and worth enough to read.... always love to have your precious comments/opinions.... Cheers !!
Tips n Tricks,
You noticed only my hate.. But you never noticed your absence that made me cry to hate you.. ;p ;p
Poems n Quotes
Love Animals Love Nature !!
My friend Dr. Vishav Prakash at his genial best... dressing a wounded little puppy... Video Exclusively shot by me... hmm I know... I am gr8 too..... ;) ;o)
Smile to Tears
It's better not to make someone smile, If gonna leave him/her in tears later.. ;( ;(
Poems n Quotes
Friends of Maiti Nepal
I donated from my hard earned money here.... http://www.friendsofmaitinepal .org/how-to-help.php.... not praising about myself... but want to make u think.... what atleast 1 noble work you have done today or u just wasted 1 precious day of ur God Gifted Life...
Situation speaks the only truth...
No way to judge truth or lie in this world... What Situation speaks is assumed to be the only truth... Situations take turn, so as truth... !!
Poems n Quotes
Rat Race...
If you win a rat race you are still a rat... so winning doesn't matter.. what matters the type of race in which u r running......
Poems n Quotes
"Right" Vs "Rational"
"Right" decision is more important than "Rational" one... bcos... rationality depends upon beliefs n previous facts while rightness depends upon current situation and practicality....
Hope I made the "right" quote rather than "rational" one...
Poems n Quotes
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