You don't have to invest any amount, just guess and win. It's absolutely free.......
- Register and give your true asked details
- Guess the day's exact Sensex closing figure right down to the decimal to win the jackpot amount .
- Even if your guess is not correct, you can still win prize money. You win:
Rs. 1000 if the last digit is correct
Rs. 2000 if the last 2 digits are correct
Rs. 4000 if the last 3 digits are correct
Rs. 8000 if the last 4 digits are correct
Rs. 16000 if the last 5 digits are correct
Jackpot if all the digits are correct - To encash the prize, player should accumulate minimum Rs.10000 (10000 points).
- When three players reach the figure of 10000, all player's points will be reset to 0.
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