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Sunday, October 12, 2008

12 Must for everyone Firefox add-ons

Here is the list of Firefox Add-ons that are must for every individual who works on Mozilla Firefox. This list is prepared on the basis of my personal usage, hope it will help you also in your daily Firefox Surfing. To visit the Add-on web page, click the corresponding image...

1. Rainbowpicker 0.5

Rainbowpicker 0.5
Pick any color from the color-picker and get it copied to the clipboard. Get Hex-Code, RGB values of the selected color. Useful when there are few color options for selection like while sending e-mail, selecting color for the google ads etc.

2. Flagfox 3.3.3

Flagfox 3.3.3Shows a flag icon in the address bar or status bar indicating the current website's server location. Clicking the icon loads Geotool, which provides a map of the location as well as more detailed information such as the ISP, city, and local time.

3. Image Zoom 0.3.1

Image Zoom 0.3.1
Adds zoom functionality like zoom in, zoom out, fit image to screen or custom zoom etc. to individual images in a web page.

4. CoolPreviews 2.6.4

CoolPreviews 2.6.4Preview web links, images, and videos without even clicking. ust mouse over any link, and the preview window immediately appears to show you the content. Instantly send links to friends and family by e-mail with just a click. Customize preferences to control preview window parameters.

5. CustomizeGoogle 0.75

CustomizeGoogle 0.75
Enhances Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo,, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads, spam etc.). All features are optional and can be easily configured.

6. Quick Locale Switcher

Quick Locale Switcher

Allow you to quickly switch to a different language (User Interface, Spell Checker Dictionary, Website content etc.) in your Firefox webpage. Available in: en-US, nl-NL, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, de-DE, es-ES, tr-TR, ko-KR, pl-PL etc.

7. DownloadHelper 3.3

DownloadHelper 3.3DownloadHelper is a tool for web content extraction. It helps to download embedded video, audio and image files from websites. Just surf the Web page, when DownloadHelper detects any embedded content, the DownloadHelper icon gets animated and a simple menu allows you to download the embedded content by simply clicking the listed item.

8. Media Converter 1.0.1

Media Converter 1.0.1
This is a video download and video converter add-on. This add-on will enables you to download your favorite web videos and to convert directly from the browser conversion wizard into the required video format.

9. Stopwatch 0.8.3

Adds a "Stopwatch" in your Tools menu and can be used to count/measure the required time.

10. Show MyIP 0.2

Show MyIP 0.2Displays your current IP address in the status bar.

11. Flashblock 1.5.6

Flashblock 1.5.6Blocks annoying Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Shockwave or Macromedia Authorware animations. It will show blank placeholders in place of flash animation and if you want to see the animation, just click that placeholder to download and view the flash animation. It also saves a lot of downloading bandwidth of a web page.

12. MozAmPeek Streamer 1.01

MozAmPeek Streamer 1.01
It enables Firefox Download dialog to directly stream media files instead of downloading then opening. Just add player and its supported media file extensions in this add-on options. Default Player is Real Player.

I hope these add-ons will remarkably improve your Firefox surfing experience.


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